Mrs. Jobe’s class is having an awesome countdown to the end of kindergarten!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Elementary
paper airplanes
crazy day
We had some kiddos want to take action on Earth Day by picking up trash on our playground!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Elementary
earth day
Essential Worker Help from After School Program
over 3 years ago, Jen Snow
After School Program
Camp Invention at Don Tyson for 4th & 5th Grade
over 3 years ago, Jen Snow
4th & 5th Grad Camp Invention
4th & 5th Grade Camp Invention
Here's this week's parent newsletter- big news about K and 5th celebrations inside! Aquí está el boletín para padres de esta semana: ¡grandes noticias sobre las celebraciones de K y 5th adentro!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Good morning! The school board voted to change the mask policy- students now have the option to wear them or not during recess or PE. We will begin making this change today. Please send your student's teacher a message if you want your child to continue wearing a mask during those times. Masks will continue to be worn indoors at all times other than lunch of course. Have a great day! ¡Buenos dias! La junta escolar votó para cambiar la política de máscaras; los estudiantes ahora tienen la opción de usarlas o no durante el recreo o educación física. Comenzaremos a hacer este cambio hoy. Envíe un mensaje al maestro de su hijo si desea que su hijo continúe usando una máscara durante esos momentos. Las máscaras continuarán usándose en el interior en todo momento, excepto durante el almuerzo, por supuesto. ¡Qué tengas un lindo día!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Watch live at 5:00pm the Springdale Public Schools School Board meeting. click here for the agenda:
over 3 years ago, Springdale School District
Act Aspire letter to regarding testing April 19-30
over 3 years ago, Jen Snow
ACT Aspire Letter in Marshallese
Act Aspire letter to regarding testing April 19-30
over 3 years ago, Jen Snow
 ACT Aspire Letter in Spanish
Act Aspire letter to regarding testing April 19-30
over 3 years ago, Jen Snow
ACT Aspire Letter
Letter regarding ACT Aspire test taking place April 19-30th.
over 3 years ago, Jen Snow
ACT Aspire Letter
ACT Aspire Letter
ACT Aspire Letter
Happy Assistant Principals’ Week to Mrs. Tompkins- she’s the best! She takes care of all of us, and we are so thankful she’s a Westwood Wolf.
over 3 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Mrs. Tompkins
Mrs. Tompkins
Mrs. Tompkins and 2nd grade
¡Las fotos de primavera se acercan el viernes! Puede pedir fotografías individuales en línea hasta la medianoche del jueves utilizando el código de pedido 58350NA en, o puede enviar dinero en el sobre que enviamos a casa. Para pedir fotografías de la clase, puede enviar un mensaje de texto con el mensaje de texto west21 al 90738 o enviar dinero en el sobre. Las fotos de la clase cuestan $ 7 por un 8 x 10 o $ 5 por un 5 x 7. Los cheques deben hacerse a nombre de Wingard Photography. No podemos proporcionar cambio, por lo que si envía efectivo, debe tener la cantidad exacta.
over 3 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Spring pictures are coming up Friday! You can order individual pictures online until midnight Thursday using order code 58350NA at, or you can send money in the envelope we sent home. To order class pictures, you can text west21 to 90738 or send money in the envelope. Class pictures are $7 for an 8x10 or $5 for a 5x7. Checks should be made payable to Wingard Photography. We cannot provide change, so if you send cash, you need to have the exact amount.
over 3 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Be sure and ask your kids about our “flood drill” that happened this morning. Mrs. Crumby played an April Fools’ joke on the whole school!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Hey parents- we are excited to see our kids tomorrow! Check out this week's parent newsletter at Be sure and notice the information about our food giveaway this week! Hola padres, ¡estamos emocionados de ver a nuestros hijos mañana! Consulte el boletín para padres de esta semana en ¡Asegúrese de conocer la información sobre nuestro sorteo de alimentos esta semana!
over 3 years ago, Westwood Elementary
It was Pi day plus 1 at Westwood today!
almost 4 years ago, Westwood Elementary
pi day
The Springdale school district wants your opinion about potential changes with masks depending on the governor’s decisions later this month. Complete this short survey to share your thoughts.
almost 4 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Here's this week's parent newsletter! ¡Aquí está el boletín para padres de esta semana!
almost 4 years ago, Westwood Elementary
Here's this week's parent newsletter- the World of Westwood Wolves. Be sure and check it out for a small change in arrival procedures. Have a great week! Aquí está el boletín para padres de esta semana: el mundo de los lobos de Westwood. Asegúrese de revisarlo para ver si hay un pequeño cambio en los procedimientos de llegada. ¡Que tengas una buena semana!
almost 4 years ago, Westwood Elementary