Parking and Drop Off

*Staff is on duty from 7:30-7:50 each day to assist with drop off.
*Students should be ready to exit when the car gets past the crosswalk. Talk with them about having backpacks on and be sure and get your hugs and kisses early.
*For the safety of your child, your child should not get out of the car before the crosswalk. Staff on duty are monitoring students between the crosswalk and front of the line.
*Please make every effort to have students exit on the passenger side
* No cell phone use while in the car rider line.
*Walker dismissal is at 3pm. Car-riders will dismiss at 3:03, as soon as students are ready, loading will begin.
*3rd, 4th & 5th graders that don’t have siblings will dismiss in the back.
*K, 1st, 2nd, along with their siblings in 3rd, 4th & 5th grade will dismiss at front entrance.
*Walkers will exit on the west side of the building. Students are not allowed to play on school grounds until all car riders are picked up unless they are supervised by WW staff (ex. running club, After School Program)
*No cell phone use while in the car rider line. .
*Leave your name sign in the windshield until you have LOADED your children.
*Changes in transportation need to be called in BEFORE 2:30pm & no check-outs of students after 2:30pm unless it is an emergency.