SHS New Teacher Spotlight: Kyla Gillespie
"My name is Kyla Gillespie, and I am happy to join Springdale High School full time now! For the past 16 years, I have taught Oral Communication and Drama at George Junior High. During that time, I also coached the Dance Team, and helped coach the Cheer Team for the last 2 years I was there. This past school year I joined SHS as head coach of the Pom Squad, and this year I will continue coaching and will also be teaching English Language Development and Communication. I was born and raised in Little Rock, and attended the University of Arkansas and earned a Bachelor's Degree in Communication in 2001, and a Master's Degree in Teaching Secondary Education in 2004. Currently I hold certifications in Drama/Speech, ESL Pre-k through 12th grade, and P.E./Health K-12. My kids and I are proud to call Northwest Arkansas and Springdale home. My son is 16 and will be a junior this year at Har-Ber High School, and my daughter will be 10 in September, and a 4th grader at Shaw Elementary. I'm excited about being a full time Bulldog and can't wait to meet and learn more about my students!" #RedDogFam #StaffSpotlight